Gracie loves to play dress-up. Her favorite things are shoes, purses and jewelry. When her Aunt Angie came to visit we took Gracie to Target. While Angie was shopping for groceries I took Gracie to the children's section. As soon as I approached a rack of swim suits reached out to a pink swim suit that looked like a tu-tu and said....CUTE! So, I had to buy it for her. I also bought her some play jewelry and she loved it! The picture says it all about Gracie being a girly girl! She is so much fun!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gracie's First Sleep Over

Jonah and Gracie spent the night with us this past Thursday. This is old hat for Jonah, but a first for Gracie. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was afraid as the afternoon turned to evening she would start wanting her Mama and Daddy. Didn't happen!! She and Jonah went for a ride in the golfcart with Papaw. I walked down the street where he took them to play in the greenbelt area. One of our neighbors brought his puppy out to see the kids. Gracie was so excited she would jump up and down and giggle. Gracie is probably going to be a giggly little girl as she grows up. She thoroughly enjoyed playing with the puppy.

I gave Gracie a plate for dinner with roasted chicken and some grapes on it. Jonah wanted mac & cheese. They both ate in the den at a kid's table I bought for Jonah when he was little. They were so cute sitting at the table eating like two little angels. Gracie would reach across the table and steal some mac & cheese from Jonah's plate. So, I had to fix her some mac & cheese too. She sat like a perfect little lady at the table and ate the mac & cheese.

When we were preparing Jonah's bed for the evening, Gracie climbed up on his bed and started saying night-night. As soon as I put her pj's on she seemed ready to go to bed. I told Gracie her bed was in the front bedroom and Meemaw would be sleeping in the room with her. She said ok. I gave her a bottle and her blanket. She got me by the hand and walked to the bedroom and got right into her bed. It was 7:40 p.m......hurray no problem getting her to bed. Now if she will only stay asleep! Gracie's sleeps in a Pea-Pod so we zip her in so she won't get up during the night and wander around the house. At 12:15 a.m. I heard Gracie in her bed. She was saying, oh no, uh oh, and then calling out Papaw, Meemaw. I got up and made her another bottle. She took the bottle and played another hour in her bed before she went back to sleep.

The next morning she was up at 6:15 bright eyed and busy tailed. After breakfast she was ready to play. She never stopped playing and didn't take a morning nap. Her mama picked her up at 1:00 and she pitched a fit. I think she was over due for a nap!

I would say Gracie's first sleep over was a success!

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