Jonah has been asking to spend two nights with us for a while. Well, this past Thursday and Friday it finally happened. Both he and Gracie spent Thursday night, but Jonah also stayed Friday night. Jonah said next week he was going to spend three nights.
Gracie didn't come over until around 5:30 so he had most of the day to himself. He and Gracie went for a ride in the golf cart with Papaw and played in the greenbelt area close to our house. We had a late dinner and then started getting ready for bed. He must have been tired, because he went to bed right after I put Gracie down. When I checked on him at 8:00 he was fast asleep and didn't get up until after 7:00 the next morning.
The next morning Jonah and Gracie played pretty well together. But, sometimes Gracie just wouldn't let Jonah alone and wanted whatever he was playing with. Jonah would get a little upset with her, but I must say he is pretty patient with his little sister. They had a really good time jumping on Jonah's roll away bed. They would hold on to the foot of our bed and jump up and down really fast. The roll away made a great trampoline for them. I know they spent at least 30 minutes jumping up and down laughing and having a great time together. Oh, if these sweets times could last longer!
After lunch, Jonah said he thought it would be a nice day to go for a walk. So I got out the stroller for Gracie. Jonah decided to drive his golf cart. We went three or four blocks before Becky came to pick up Gracie to take her home.
Later that day we went for another walk. Joy and her grandson were going for a walk so we joined them. We decided to let them play together for a few minutes before we headed back to the house. Jonah wanted to play tag. Jonah is 4 1/2 and Junior is 2 1/2, so Junior doesn't understand there are rules to playing tag. Jonah kept telling him he had to run to home base. Junior just wanted to have fun running around. He would run up to Jonah and touch him and say tag. Jonah told me that Junior wasn't following the rules, there were two rules and he wasn't following them. Oh, how the first borns like to enforce the rules! They still had fun just running around. When we got home and we were walking into the house, Jonah said what a good day!
That evening we went to McDonalds again for dinner. Before we ate, we stopped at a playround nearby our house. Our McDonald's doesn't have a playground. There was a teenage girl sitting at a picnic table. I think Jonah might have been flirting with her. He would run as fast as he could around the play area right by her table. Then as he started to climb up to slide he would turn around and look at her with a big smile. Could he have been showing off for her? Oh no...I think he already understands that guys need to impress girls!
Saturday morning after Jonah was watching cartoons for a while, he asked me if it was afternoon. I told him it was still morning. He said, well I think I'm ready to go home, I miss my Daddy and Mama. I'm not sure if he is ready for three nights away from home! Jonah is getting more precious every day. He always says something really sweet to me. I believe he knows just what to say to get to me!